
Near-hysterical fans (including my mother) may see a random pic of me, before having children irreparably... changed me, here.

I want to take this time to note that Joe is one of my favorite human beings.

<tsaotsao> dude
<tsaotsao> I'm such a sucker for koei games
<tsaotsao> <koei> shit in a box!
<tsaotsao> <me> no way
<tsaotsao> <koei> Shit in a box II: Cao Cao's revenge!
<tsaotsao> <me> fuck it, give me 10 copies
<theoddone33> I switched my localization to traditional chinese in osx
<jvalenzu> you weenie
<theoddone33> I... didn't understand anything on my screen :/
<jvalenzu> I'm tempted to do that on the atm all the time
<jvalenzu> but I'm afraid I'll transfer all my money to deng xiao ping's children

Photo archives have been yanked. You get'em if you get'em, and that's that.


Or maybe you just want to make some good bread?

Dissolve 2 T yeast in 6 C lukewarm water.
Lukewarm being no sense of temperature on your wrist.
Add 2/3 C sweetener (honey, molasses).
Begin sponge with 6 C whole wheat flour, 1 C unbleached white.
Mixing together, beat 100 times with ye olde wooden spoon.
Let rise 60 minutes. Preferrably near somewhere warm.

Fold in 1 C oil, 3 T salt.
Add another 6 C of whole wheat flour, 1 C unbleached white.
Realize things are going to get messy as you form the dough.
Set aside 2 C of unbleached white for kneading.
Flour kneading surface. Transfer dough.
Knead by folding, pushing across with palm.
Turn, repeat. Add more flour if sticks.
Knead for 15 minutes.
Small amount of oil in bowl, leave to rise 40 minutes.

Punch down.
Let rise for 50 minutes.

Shape into four loaves, add to greased bread pans.
Let rise 20 minutes.

Bake for one hour at 450.

Enjoy piping hot with a good oatmeal stout.

With warmest regards to Tassajara legend Ed Brown.

Last modified: Fri Mar 4 09:07:37 PST 2005

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